"A concert by the Alturas Duo is a memorable experience...
Their unique blend of South American and classical music for guitar, viola and charango is incomparable... Their pure joy and enthusiasm for this lively music is immediately apparent and captivating.”
---Russ De Angelo, Director,
La Guitarra California Festival
"Their combination of charango and guitar, filled with innovation and virtuosity left me captivated. Their incursions into classical and Latin American repertoire are perfect."
---Ernesto Cavour, charango virtuoso &
director of Bolivian Musical Instruments Museum
"...distinguished by its professional competence and poise...."
---Edith Eisler, Strings Magazine's
corresponding editor from New York
"Thank you for participating in 'Andean Rhythms' children's music workshop... It was a phenomenal success...."
---Emily Key, education programs manager
at the Smithsonian Latino Center
"The Alturas Duo. Where did these guys come from? The minute they started to play the Farias I knew that we were not just hearing another duo! These two musicians are artists that love what they do. Seemingly modest on stage, and even a bit embarrassed (?) at the response of the audience to their playing, these artists were a pleasure to watch, a pleasure to listen to, and simply just a pleasure. I found this collaboration of the Alturas Duo and the Bella Voce Women's Chorus to be a natural pairing, and I would hope that at some point in the not too distant future we might again have the opportunity to hear these individuals in concert here in Burlington. If they do perform here, don't miss the opportunity to take in the the artistry of these two individuals!"
---Frank Whitcomb, President of Vermont's
American Choral Directors Association
"The Alturas Duo is an instrumental ensemble unique in the chamber music world. Their exciting performance is not to be missed... [and] presents a one of a kind program that I highly recommend for any audience who enjoys good music and exceptional playing."
---Daniel Salazar, artistic director
Connecticut Guitar Society
"About Alturas Duo's performance at the 34th International Viola Congress in Montréal, Canada: It is a very musical playing from both of you and the joy of making music comes out from every bar."
---Bruno Guiranna, int'l viola soloist
"Thank you so much for the wonderful concert! I loved your selection of music, and it was performed so beautifully... It was a pleasure to have you on the series, and I'm glad you enjoyed it too. I'll keep a return engagement in mind!"
---John Olson, President
New York City Classical Guitar Society
"Your artistry is a highlight of this recording and the performances by the choral ensemble were raised to a higher level with your participation."
---Joseph Holt, associate conductor of the
Choral Arts Society of Washington D.C.
"The Alturas Duo, exuding extreme poise and refinement, performed brilliantly and with the utmost dedication to their program."
---Nicholas Ciraldo, former artistic director
of the Boston Classical Guitar Society
"Your CD rocks! Get into the hands of as many people as possible...."
---Gregory D. Evans,
former membership director
of Chamber Music America